The Greer Family

There is no "buddy" like a brother!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Jayt wanted to take a picture

Worn Out!

Never can get a normal picture together..this is as good as it gets! :)

Don't you think he is like a young Mel Gibson?! haha...I do!

Such a good dad!

So just thought I would give a little shout out to Greg, he is a great husband and the best dad! I know I don't tell him enough how much I appreciate him, and how much he does for our family. He is such a hard worker and works so hard so I can stay home with the boys. Thanks so much for everything babe...I love you!


  1. AWWW!!! Brought a little tear to my eye!! Greggy is so cute!!!

  2. Wow 2 posts in a month! That must be a record. Keep it up. It's nice to see your blog since I never get to see you guys.

  3. Didn't know you had a blog! I'll have to add you to mine. It was fun to see you at the park. Funny how we live in the same town and I never see you!You have a super cute family:)

  4. I just found your blog too!! You have the cutest boys! You need a cute little girl too:)


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